Lively Dreams (2008)

Music soundtrack and sound design for Lively Dreams, in collaboration with Ivan Franco.

The project is a multimedia dance performance by coreographer Lígia Teixeira and digital artist Ivan Franco – it premiered in Lisbon on November 2008 as part of the Temps D’Image festival.

Lively Dreams

Lively Dreams is a performance that aims to explore the dramaturgic potential of the dream recreation, aiming to shape images and sensations of an intense dream and make them part of a parallel world, that exists without the logic and the rational demands that prevail in the real world.


In Lively Dreams the performer develops a narrative through his performance in different interactive environments. A motor of narration of dreams is created, enabling a dialog between the interactive scenography and the performer.”

Lígia Teixeira

Info about the performance at its Temps d’Images webpage.

(NOTE: at the time this show premiered I was credited as “André Rocha”)

Lively Dreams from Lígia Teixeira on Vimeo.

In 2009, the project won the entertainment category of the Portuguese National Multimedia Award. This prize is awarded by the Association for Promotion of Multimedia and Digital Society (APMP).


Créditos / Credits

direcção artística | artistic direction

Ivan Franco e Lígia Teixeira

coreografia, interpretação | choreography, dance

Lígia Teixeira

música | music

André Nascimento, Ivan Franco

design, ilustração | design, illustration

Leonel Duarte, Pedro Cardoso, Valjean

programação criativa | creative programming

André Almeida, Gonçalo Lopes, Ivan Franco, João Frazão

modelação 3D | 3D modelling

Luís Miguel Duarte

produção | production

Lígia Teixeira

co-produção | co-production

Duplacena / Festival Temps d’Images

Centro Cultural de Belém

apoios | support





Fórum Dança

A Menina dos Meus Olhos

agradecimentos | thanks to

André Sier, Andresa Soares, Benedetta Maxia, Lígia Soares, Luís Carvalho, Maria Ramos, Rafael Franco, Sofia Dias

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