Category Archives: Software

“Pergunta da Sorte” – o Gerador entrevista André Nascimento

Gerador magazine interviewed me, and it was both fun and strange… [text in Portuguese] Fui alvo de uma entrevista divertida e ao mesmo [...]

Sons do Pensamento / Sounds of Thought – online + collective projects

André Sier, director of the Sounds of Thought creative programming workshop has opened a webpage that hosts some of the students’ onl [...]

Sons do Pensamento / Sounds of Thought – video + pics

Ípsilon – video – Sons do Pensamento Sons do Pensamento / Sounds of Thought – online photobook of the opening Amazingly, [...]

AltLab, the new Lisbon hacklab

Lisbon, Portugal is now home for a new laboratory for digital and analogue artists, engineers and general purpose technology geeks! Some of [...]
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