Digital Art Software

Sons do Pensamento / Sounds of Thought – online + collective projects

André Sier, director of the Sounds of Thought creative programming workshop has opened a webpage that hosts some of the students’ online projects and sketches – including a couple of my contributions: “particulasdesom” (“sound particles”) and “virose”


Also tonight (July 10th) a group of students from this workshop will present an interactive “cadavre exquis” at FBAUL (Lisbon Fine Arts college).
(sorry, links in Portuguese language only).

E agora em português:
O workshop “Som do Pensamento” e respectiva exposição chegaram ao final. Através das ligações acima indicadas podem aceder a alguns exercícios e trabalhos online. Esta noite, dia 10 de Julho, um grupo de alunos do curso apresentará um “cadáver esquisito” – uma instalação interactiva colectiva.

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