Digital Art

Sons do Pensamento / Sounds of Thought


Works by: Ana Calhandro. André Martins. André Nascimento . Afonso Barros. Gummy & Bunny. Catarina Mota. Fausto Fonseca. Guilherme Martins. Jorge Diogo. José Perico. Margarida Rêgo. Mário Silva. Nuno Delmas. Piece Attack. Pedro Vilela. Robin Burgess. Tiago Almeida. Tiago Beijoco.

Organised by André Sier. Luísa Ribas. Sofia Gonçalves.

The “Sounds of Thought” exhibition presents 19 interactive media / digital art projects, exploring processes, rules, and interactions as dimensions of play between object-machine and spectator or space.

These projects were developed during the workshop on programming of playable environments “The Sound of Thought”, lead by André Sier and organised by 411.LED at FBAUL (Lisbon Fine Arts Faculty), between January and July, 2009.

My own modest participation includes "Espelho" ("Mirror"), a simple interactive installation based on motion capture and granular sound synthesis.

Related links: sons_do_pensamento_flyer02

sons do pensamento, exposição de projectos finais do curso o som do pensamento na fábrica features lisboa, no 4ºandar da benetton mesmo ao lado da saída do metro baixa-chiado, no dia 1 de julho pelas 18h, até dia 9 julho, das 10 às 20h.

Participo com "Espelho", uma modesta instalação interactiva audiovisual, baseada em captura de movimentos e síntese granular. apareçam!

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